5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Website Ranking in Search Engine

If you’re a website owner and you want to Improve Your Website ranking, then search engine optimization (SEO) is the way to go.

If you’re a website owner and you want to Improve Your Website ranking, then search engine optimization (SEO) is the way to go.

The importance of search engine traffic can’t be understated.

It’s actually not that hard to get there on search engines like Google if you know how to do it right. The only problem is it takes time – usually at least three months – before you can see any significant results.

But if your website or blog doesn’t have any traffic over a long period of time, then it’s bound to be forgotten or deleted eventually. That being said, here are five simple ways that you can use to improve your search engine ranking:

5 simple ways to improve your website ranking in search engines

1. Gather Keywords

Before you can improve your website ranking, you need to know what keywords people are searching for when they come across your site.

The best way to do this is by conducting keyword research.

Keyword research helps you figure out what keywords and phrases people enter into search engines.

The keywords used will help you in building strong content that ranks well and that converts visitors into buyers.

Ideally, you need to pick one or two main keywords or phrases and use them in your content over and over again.

For example, if your site is about cake decorating, you need to target the term “cake decorating” or “decorating a cake.” 

There is no point in ranking for keywords that have no volume.

This is why focusing on low-competition keywords with high search volume makes sense (not every keyword will have a high volume).

2. Focus on Link Building

Link building is another important part of SEO work. It is the process of getting organic links from other credible and trustworthy sites to yours.

The number of links pointing to your site has an impact on how high you rank in search engines.

Link building takes time but with patience and proper outreach, it will increase your website ranking significantly in search engines over time. 

Consider interacting with webmasters, editors, writers, and others to get your work some exposure.

Getting your material acknowledged by search engines will have a big influence on your company’s popularity and SEO.

3. Make Sure Your Website Loads Fast

A slow-loading page is a major turn-off for visitors.

The average user expects your site to load in under 3 seconds, and most will leave your site if it takes longer than 5 seconds to load.

And this is important because Google ranks sites higher that provide a better experience for users.

If your website is extremely slow, you have a low chance of staying competitive in search engine rankings.

To keep track of your website’s loading speed and performance, use the Google Page Speed Insights tool.

It will show you the information about your desktop and mobile versions, and also provide you with recommendations on how to improve their performance.

4. Publish original content

If your website has plagiarized content on it, it will not be able to get a high spot in the SERPs. Plagiarism is strictly punished by search engines.

You can get a Google penalty if you use content that is copied from other sources.

A Google penalty can either make your content rank lower in the SERPs, or it can make your site disappear from the listing altogether.

Whenever you want to publish any content on your website, you should first use a tool to check plagiarism in it.

Even if you have not deliberately copied content from anywhere, there are chances that you could have some accidental matches in your text.

And unfortunately, Google does not view accidental plagiarism differently than actual plagiarism.

5. Use user-Friendly Infographics

Readers don’t want a wall of words while they’re looking at information on the web.

When it comes to learning about a subject or understanding a concept, they prefer graphics.

It’s possible that your search engine rankings will suffer if you don’t include any graphics in your article. Relevant graphics have the potential to go viral, which means they can bring large amounts of traffic to your website when promoted properly. 

To make infographics user-friendly, use the following best practices:

⦁ Create brief, descriptive graphics that include your keyword.
⦁ Choose high-quality, relevant images.
⦁ Include an alt tag with your keyword to describe the infographic for screen readers and search engines that don’t read images.
⦁ Link back to your website from the infographic using your keyword as the anchor text


It’s no wonder that a simple Google search for the word “SEO” will give you over 2 billion results.

From tools, plugins, and guides to marketing strategies and much more, it’s hard to know where to start when it comes to improving your website ranking.

A good starting point is to simply conduct proper keyword research and write great content for your website.

Other techniques that you must not overlook are your website’s loading speed, link building, and SEO-friendly infographics.

Employ these top 5 simple tactics to improve your website ranking in search engines and see significant results over time. 

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Altaf Hassan a tech and gaming enthusiast with over 4 years of experience. He likes writing about tech, games, android tips, and how-to's. He loves playing games and learning new things about tech. That's why he created this website to share information.

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