Guide To Complete Follow The Trail Of Coins Quest In Hogwarts Legacy

Learn how to complete the A Thief in the Night: Follow The Trail Of Coins Quest In Hogwarts Legacy with our comprehensive guide.

Are you stuck on the quest “A Thief in the Night: Follow the Trail of Coins” in the Hogwarts Legacy game, which you will receive after talking to Padraic Hagarty in the Irondale Hamlet shop? And looking for a guide to complete this quest, then you are on the right article.

In this article, we will guide you on how you can follow the coins and find the Hagarty family heirloom, and complete the quest. So, let’s get into the article.

If you are also stuck on the In The Shadow Of The Study Quest In Hogwarts Legacy, then we have already covered it in that article. So you must check out that Guide.

Guide To Complete Follow The Trail Of Coins Quest In Hogwarts Legacy

1. To start the A Thief in the Night: Follow the Trail of Coins side quest you will need to visit the Irondale Hamlet Shop at night, located to the east of the Feldcroft area, and talk to Padraic Hagarty, the merchant who runs the shop.

Follow The Trail Of Coins Hogwarts Legacy

2. After talking to him you will be assigned this quest. If you accept the quest during the day, consider skipping the time from day to night by accessing your map and clicking Wait at the bottom of the screen.

3. After accepting the quest, use Revelio in front of the shop and it will show some gold coins on the right side of the Hemlet shop. Pick up the gold coins from there.

Follow The Trail Of Coins Hogwarts Legacy

4. Follow the gold coin to the southwest, constantly casting Revelio every two to three coins to keep track of where the trail leads.

Follow The Trail Of Coins Hogwarts Legacy

5. The trail of coins will lead you to the Niffler’s Den, located at east of the Feldcroft Catacombs Foo Flame. The fastest way to reach this location is to simply mark the Niffler point as shown in the image below, and then use your broom to reach the den.

Follow The Trail Of Coins Hogwarts Legacy

6. Once you reach the location, you will find a Niffler in the den called The Irondale Pilferer. Use Levioso to levitate the Pilferer and then, use the Nab-Sack to capture the thief.

Follow The Trail Of Coins Hogwarts Legacy

7. Now, all you have to do is find the Haggarty family heirloom, which can be found at the top of the Niffler’s Den. Use Revelio to reveal its position. Climb the rocks, and you’ll find The Haggarty Family Heirloom.

Follow The Trail Of Coins Hogwarts Legacy

8. After finding the Heirloom, go back to Padraic Haggarty’s stall to complete this quest!


By following this guide, you can easily complete the A Thief in the Night: Follow The Trail Of Coins Quest In Hogwarts Legacy. If you also want other quest guides then feel free to comment down below, and we will try to make it. Until then, Byee.

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Altaf Hassan a tech and gaming enthusiast with over 4 years of experience. He likes writing about tech, games, android tips, and how-to's. He loves playing games and learning new things about tech. That's why he created this website to share information.

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