If you’ve ever been on a phone call and heard the announcement “This call is now being recorded,” you might feel uncomfortable or annoyed, especially if you’re not the one recording the call.
While this notification is generally designed for privacy and legal purposes, there are ways to manage or disable it. In this article, I’ll show you various methods to disable this announcement based on my personal experience and research
Also, Read How To Call Someone Who Blocked Your Number On Android & iPhone
How To Disable This Call Is Now Being recorded
The “This call is now being recorded” announcement is made using the text-to-speech service provided by Google Dialer. So, we are going to fix this problem by using a different text-to-speech service.
Method 1. Using TTSLexx App
1. First of all, Install the TTSLexx application from the Play Store.
2. Now, open the application and click on the “Preferred Engine” option.
3. In the Preferred Engine option, choose the TTSLexx option and click on Ok.

4. After that, Open the Google Dialer App info setting.
5. In the settings option, click on the Clear all data and cache option and click ok.

6. Now you have successfully completed all the required steps. It’s time to restart your device.
Now call someone and the call recording announcement will be disabled.
Method 2. Using TrueCaller
Apart from using a TTSLexx Application, you can use the Truecaller Caller application to record calls as it has an in- built-in option to record the calls without the announcement. To do so, follow the steps.
Step 1: Install Truecaller
The first step is to install Truecaller on your phone. You can download it from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store, depending on your device. Once you’ve installed it, open the app and tap on the hamburger menu on the left side.
Step 2: Enable Call Recording
Once you’re on the hamburger menu, you’ll see an option for “Call recordings”. Tap on it, and you’ll receive a pop-up message asking you to set up Truecaller as your default dialer. This step is optional, but it’s recommended if you want to use the app’s call recording feature.
Step 3: Enable Microphone Access
Now, click on the “Continue” button again and allow Truecaller to record audio through your microphone. After that, go to your phone’s settings, select “Accessibility”, and then select “Truecaller settings”.
Turn on the “Call recording” option, and you’re good to go. You can start recording your calls by simply tapping on the record button, and to stop the recording, you just need to press that button again.
The methods given above are an easy way to record phone calls on your device without making an announcement “This Call Is Now Being Recorded”. After reading this article I Hope you find your answer on How To Disable This Call Is Now Being Recorded.
That’s it, guys. We guess this guide was helpful to you. For further queries, you can comment below.
Is TTSLexx safe?
Ans. The app is completely safe. The app does not collect or store any personal data.
Is it possible to stop the call recording announcements?
Ans. Yes, it is possible to stop the call recording announcement. We have given the full info about this in this article.